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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page Three June 23,1980 <br />Puhlir Hearing opened at 8:50 P.M. <br />Ken Bonbach, Staff Engineer for M.W.C.C., <br />distributed sketches of the building that <br />is being relocated to the Council. <br />Official Rose indicated that Municipal Code <br />45 pertaining to building relocation requires <br />a public hearing to be held before approval <br />for relocation is given. The applicant has <br />submitted a legal description of where the <br />building is being located, a description of <br />the building (picture), certified abstracts <br />from 3 of the 4 property owners within 300 feet <br />of the site (the other property owner is the <br />Ramsey County open space property directly to <br />the south of the proposed site), and has met <br />all the legal requirements of the Code. <br />Ziebarth made a motion to send this request <br />to the Planning Commission for architectural <br />review (including a precise scale drawing)of <br />the buildings and land involved in this <br />request. <br />MOTION FAILS FOR LACK OF SECOND. (MOTION FAILS) <br />Ziebarth made a motion, seconded by Hodges, <br />to approve the request for relocation of the <br />building with the following conditions: <br />1)Include in the agreement provisions for <br />screening the building (with shrubbery or trees) <br />and painting the building a color that will <br />blend with the environment <br />?)Include a $60.00 fee <br />3)To have the relocation, painting, and screening <br />completed by the applicant within 90 days. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 <br />8. PUBLIC HEARING METROPOLITAN <br />WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION <br />RELOCATION BUILDING REQUEST <br />THE MOTION WAS CARRIED (MOTION CARRIES) <br />The Public Hearing was closed at 9:05 P.M. <br />The Regular Meeting re- opened at 9:05 P.M. <br />Official Rose stated he had no report. 9.BUILDING AND ZONING OFFICIAL'S <br />REPORT <br />