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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page Four June 23,1980 <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed some of the infor- 10. f'TTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />mation from the Fireman's Relief Association's <br />actuarial report. They are requesting a raise <br />in the present pension level ($4 /month /year of <br />service, i.e. 20 years =$80 /month and 30 years= <br />$120 /month) to $11 /month /year of service. <br />Meyers noted that if the raise was to $9 /month/ <br />year of service, a tax levy in the City would <br />not be necessary to fund this. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that Staff document for <br />Council the effects of raising the pension to <br />$8- $9- $10 -$11 /month /year of service for their <br />review. McCarty also noted that any raises in <br />the future would be approved with the consensus <br />of the Councils involved (Blaine, Spring Lake Park, <br />and Moundsview). <br />Acting Clerk- Administrator Anderson reported 11. ACTING CLERK- ADMINISTRATORS <br />that Fire Chief Fagerstrom had suggested REPORT <br />increasing the insurance coverage for the fire- <br />works contract for the July 20th festival. The <br />current coverage is for $300,000. Northern Lighter <br />will add on to the current policy as follows: <br />$500,000 policy (cost $446.00) <br />$700,000 policy (cost $700.00) <br />This would be coverage for that date only. <br />Councilmember Ziebarth will contact Dave Penshorn <br />to see what potential dangers there are and <br />what need there is for increased insurance coverage. <br />-The mediation session with Local 49'ers will be <br />set up soon. <br />Negotiations are going on with M.A.M.A. <br />-I-The initial review of the Park Commission's master <br />plan and capital improvement plan will be on Lhe <br />July 7th agenda. <br />Ziebarth -No report. <br />Rowley -Asked that the noise ordinance issue be <br />put on the July 7th agenda. <br />Forslund- <br />Tax exempt mortgages for industry is set for the <br />June 30th agenda session. <br />She doesn't see any monitoring of County Road I/ <br />Silver Lake Road regarding checking the possibility <br />of a 4 -way stop. <br />She reported getting several calls on truck <br />parking in the City and questioned if the truck <br />ordinance was petitioned for, or how it came to <br />be. (Councilmember Ziebarth noted this will be <br />on a future agenda fur discussion.) <br />12. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS <br />