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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page Five July 14, 1980 <br />Although Mr. Bardwell was required by the City to install <br />a culvert on his property, the two ditches on the opposite <br />sides of the culvert, do not have an outlet for the water <br />to drain off. Therefore, during heavy periods of rainfall, <br />water accumulates in these ditches. <br />Forslund made a motion, seconded by Ziebarth to turn <br />this complaint over to the city engineer for investigation <br />and recommendation to see where the problem is and how it <br />can be solved. The cost of the engineer's investigation <br />and recommendations will be taken from the SDM funds. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 THE MOTION IS CARRIED. <br />Staff will get back to Mr. Bardwell as soon as the infor- <br />mation is received from the city engineer. <br />The meeting closed for a recess at 9:15 P.M. <br />The meeting re- opened at 9:35 P.M. <br />The Council agreed to discuss this item at the <br />August 4th agenda meeting. <br />Official Kampel reminded the Council of the July 30th <br />public hearing of the Planning Commission regarding the <br />Comprehensive Plan Update. A notice will be sent to the <br />newspapers. <br />(At this point, Peg Mountin (Chairperson of the Planning <br />Commissions) noted that there was some difficulty in <br />obtaining building space for the neighborhood meetings <br />which would be held in August after the public hearing. <br />She said the planning commission was going to discuss this <br />further at the July 16th meeting.) <br />Attorney Meyers noted he has received a document from <br />the Scotland Green apartments indicating they are <br />converting to condominiums. (They are serving papers <br />to parties of interest on this conversion and that is <br />why the City was sent this document). This is just an <br />item of information at this point. Attorney Meyers <br />indicated he will be reviewing the document to see if <br />there is anything the City needs to do at this point. <br />Attorney Meyers noted that at the last session of the <br />legislature, Chapter 612 was adopted (re: Ramsey County <br />League of Local Governments). Since Moundsview is involved <br />in this, he feels it should be approved in resolution form <br />by Council. This will be discussed at the July 28th meeting. <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />13. DOMESTIC ANIMAL LEASHING <br />ORDINANCE <br />14. REPORT OF THE ZONING AND <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL <br />Acting Official Frank Kampel <br />15. REPORT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY <br />