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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page Six July 28, 1980 <br />McCarty made a motion,. seconded by Forslund to authorize <br />the bond issue to be set for the general election on November 4th. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -0 <br />Official Rose noted that there was not a full <br />report available on the claims submitted and /or <br />settled by H A from the water tank painting. <br />Rowley made a motion, seconded by Ziebarth to table <br />discussion of this item until Monday, agenda session, <br />when more data could be presented. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -0 <br />Forslund made a motion, seconded by McCarty, to set <br />a special meeting of Council for Monday, August 4th, <br />at 7:00 P.M. to discuss H A Water Tank Approval. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -0 <br />At this time, Staff will present a report on the <br />claims settlements to Council. <br />Rowley: <br />Council should formally commend the Festivities <br />Commission for an excellent Festivities Day. (Mayor <br />McCarty suggested a resolution of commendation be drawn <br />up and presented to the Festivities Commission Chairperson <br />at a later meeting). <br />Noted a memo from the financial director for pre- <br />paration of the forthcoming elections. <br />Rowley made a motion, seconded by Ziebarth, to contract <br />EL Marketing to provide election services, totaling $260 /election. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -0 <br />Reviewed some items from the June 23rd Airport <br />Commission meeting. <br />Forslund: <br />THE MOTION CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />13. H A WATER TANK APPROVAL <br />THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />14. REPORT OF COUNCILMEMBERS <br />THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />No Planning Commission meeting last week due to lack of <br />quorum. <br />Would like to put truck ordinance on future agenda. <br />