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4 <br />MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL January 26, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Forslund (continued): <br />3. She asked Official Rose to clearly <br />identify in the Planning Commission minutes <br />which resolutions were /were not passed. Official <br />Rose noted this had been corrected in the last <br />Planning Commission meeting's minutes (the <br />unapproved version) and attempts would be made <br />to eliminate this confusion in the future. <br />4. She asked to schedule the department <br />head visits with the new council members until <br />after March 7th when all the council members <br />would be available to attend. <br />Blanchard: <br />1. The recent meeting of the Human Rights <br />Commission had to be rescheduled because only <br />the chairperson was present. The chairperson <br />will be contacting the members again and set <br />up another meeting. <br />2. She noted the Jaycees were hoping to <br />collect enough money through fundraising to <br />provide the police force with protective vests. <br />However, they were not able to obtain enough <br />funds. She thinks this is a very important <br />item for Council to consider. <br />MOTION: Blanchard made a motion, seconded by <br />Forslund to authorize the city administrator <br />to transfer from the contingency account to <br />the police account sufficient funds to purchase <br />protective vests for all police officers for <br />immediate attention. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 MOTION CARRIED. <br />Doty: <br />1. He recently met with the Parks Commission <br />on January 15th where they interviewed and <br />selected Saunders /Thalden and Associates to <br />complete the master plan project for Silver View <br />Park. <br />2. He recently attend the MC /MAC meeting <br />and the issue of the Anoka Airport was discussed <br />without resolution. The next meeting i- tentatively <br />set for February llth. <br />3. He commented on the productive council /public <br />get Together at the St. Croix Valley Girl Scout Center <br />on January 25th. <br />Page Seven <br />