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Mounds View City Council August 10, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />.ttorney Meyers reported that there were three <br />main areas of concern to be cleared up regard- <br />ing issuance of a liquor license for the <br />Povlitzki's, those being clear title, health <br />and safety matters and conformance with the <br />City's zoning ordinance. He stated he had <br />discussed them with the legal representatives <br />for Mr. Hartinger and the Povlitzki's. <br />Sherman Bergstein, attorney for Mr. Hartinger, <br />presented the Council with an unregistered <br />quit claim deed for the first parcel and stated <br />that Mr. Hartinger has a contract for deed for <br />the second parcel, and a lease with Clark Oil <br />for the third parcel. He asked that the Council <br />accept these as proof of ownership and not tie <br />up the issuance of the license as the entire <br />sale of the Launching Pad could fall through. <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard /Doty to table inde- <br />i�ely the consideration of an on -sale liquor <br />and restaurant license for the Povlitzki's <br />because of the question of legality of title of <br />ownership, because of not having the inspection <br />reports concerning the health and safety matters, <br />Ind the question of parking being in conformance <br />a with the code. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to amend the <br />previous motion to include that a statement <br />from the proposed new owners would be required <br />as to how they would meet the requirements, <br />taking into consideration the memo from the <br />Clerk /Administrator dated August 10, 1981. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers pointed out that any contract <br />ver $10,000 was required to be let out for <br />id, and recommended that the City advertise <br />the project. <br />9. Consideration of <br />On -Sale Liquor and <br />Restaurant License <br />Applications from <br />Richard and Marlene <br />Povlitzki <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Park Director Anderson stated that the City 10. Silver View Park/ <br />would be able to save approximately $42,500 Phase I Rough Grading <br />on the rough grading of Silver View Park if Contract <br />they used Mary Anderson Construction, as <br />they were already at the site with the equip- <br />ment and manpower and resources. He added <br />that the final grading would still have to <br />be contracted out. <br />