Laserfiche WebLink View City Council September 14, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Ten <br />ir. Boxrud requested that a resolution be <br />dopted for the Silver View project, designat- <br />ing no parking on the west side of the connector <br />streE.t between Highway 10 and proposed Lake Court <br />Drive. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Hodges to adopt Resolution <br />No. 1360 and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers reported that he had checked <br />into the alleged election irregularities and <br />did not feel any violation had occurred. He <br />added that if there were any, they should be <br />taken to the County Attorney. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to direct Staff <br />to cease with any further investigation of <br />alleged irregularities with the special <br />election of August 18, 1981. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />attorney Meyers reported that he would not be <br />resent at the September 28 meeting. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that it was up to the <br />City Attorney to present the facts if requesting <br />an opinion from the Attorney General on the <br />airport issue. He suggested checking with the <br />MAC to see if they were in agreement. He also <br />cautioned that they must have solid, substantiated <br />facts or it could all turn against them. <br />Councilmember Doty had no report. 23. Report of <br />Councilmembers <br />Councilmember Forslund asked that the Finance <br />Director determine where the funds for the City <br />clean -up day should come from. <br />Councilmember Forslund stated that while Public <br />Works Supervisor Decheine had been requested to <br />attend the meeting to explain the crack filling <br />of streets, he was present at the September 8 Agenda <br />Meeting. His memo of August 28 explained it. <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /McCarty to approve the <br />explanation of Mr. Decheine from his August 28, <br />981 memo. <br />ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />22. Report of Attorney <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />