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Mounds View City Council September 28, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />,inance Director Brager reviewed the proposed <br />`1982 water budget. <br />Mayor McCarty suggested that action on the <br />water budget be deferred until the October 1 <br />special meeting, to see if any additional money <br />could be freed up. He pointed out that they <br />are still waiting for the State budget to <br />stabilize, and recommended going over the pro- <br />posed City budget one more time to make sure <br />they were doing the best job possible. Mayor <br />McCarty polled the Council members and they <br />all agreed to hold off action on the 1982 water <br />budget and discuss it at the October 1 special <br />meeting. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and <br />reopened the regular meeting at 8:25 PM. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and <br />opened the public hearing at 8:25 PM. <br />Finance Director Brager reviewed the proposed <br />sewer budget. <br />-Mayor McCarty explained that the Council has <br />started a program to take into consideration <br />unexpected expenses in the sewer budget, such <br />as sewer main breaks. <br />Mayor McCarty stated that action on the 1982 <br />sewer budget would also be deferred, pending <br />the October 1 special meeting. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and <br />reopened the regular meeting at 8:32 PM. <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed the bid <br />tabulations for Phase 2 of Silver View Park. <br />He stated that, since they were well below <br />budget, they would like approval to add <br />construction management to the project. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hodges to award the <br />following bids: four athletic benches to <br />Perkins Landscape Contractors for $1,500; <br />backstops and fencing to Crowley Fence Com- <br />pany for $4,630; sod and seed to J S Sod <br />2rvice for $20,000; irregation to Natural <br />seen for $4,490; and paving /entrance road/ <br />parking lot to Perkins Landscaping Contractors <br />for $15,900. In addition, that the construc- <br />tion managAment contract be awarded to Saunders/ <br />7. Public Hearing <br />1982 Water Budget and <br />Rate Hearing <br />8. Public Hearing <br />1982 Sewer Budget and <br />Rate Hearing <br />9. Staff Recommendations <br />Regarding Awarding of <br />Contracts for Phase II <br />Development of Silver <br />View Park <br />