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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />.here was considerable discussion regarding the <br />proposed agreement versus Ordinance 305 and what <br />course of action should be taken. Mayor McCarty <br />stated that he wanted enough time to insure that <br />they were going in the correct direction. He <br />stated he would cont:::ct Attorney Meyers as soon <br />as he returned, and would then get in touch with <br />Mr. Poppelaars. He also thanked Mr. Poppelaars <br />for his patience. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hodges to table the <br />drainage agreement for the property owners around <br />Wetland I -9. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to remove <br />from the table consideration of Resolution <br />No. 1358. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hodges to approve <br />Resolution No. 1358 and forward the seecialized <br />plans to the Met Council for the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Finance Director Brager explained that the <br />proposed resolution covers the utility bills <br />on which all normal methods of collection have <br />been exhausted. He stated that levying a tax <br />would be the least costly method of collecting <br />the delinquent utility charges. <br />Mayor McCarty expressed concern that some of <br />the bills might be for elderly or handicapped <br />people, on whom it presented a hardship to pay. <br />Finance Director Brager explained that the <br />County would be contacting each individual and <br />Lying them 30 days to pay, or appeal, and would <br />ind out at that time if there were extenuating <br />circumstances. <br />Attorney Karney stated that the proposed reso- <br />lution would be the best and most economical <br />September 28, 1981 <br />Page Five <br />Motion Carried <br />11. Consideration of Rslt. <br />No 1358 Forwarding <br />Specialized Plans <br />Including Waste Water <br />Flow Forecasts, Inter <br />Community Service, Pro <br />posed Trunk Sewers, <br />Timing of Development <br />and Wetland Area <br />Moratorium <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />12. Consideration of Rslt. <br />No. 1366 Levying a Tax <br />for Delinquent Utility <br />Charges Over a One <br />Year Period <br />