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Mounds View City Council October 26, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />uperintendent Decheine reported the City had <br />received the second set of reports back on testing <br />of the water for contamination and there were no <br />traces at all of any contaminants. He stated <br />they will do one more test, and if it is clear, <br />they will recheck once more in six months to a year. <br />Superintendent Decheine explained there was a pro- <br />blem with tree roots beginning to grow in the <br />sanitary sewer lines and presented pictures showing <br />the roots. He stated it is a very serious problem, <br />and the trees could not be treated during the winter <br />months as they are dormant. He recommended a regular <br />program be enacted to check the sewers to spot <br />problems. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported that the funding <br />hats been cut from the 1982 budget for such a program. <br />Mayor McCarty replied it should be looked into at the <br />November 23 sewer rates public hearing. It was the <br />concensus of the Council that they would like to have <br />a professional firm come in and give a presentation <br />of the type of program that was needed. <br />^lerk /Administrator Pauley reported that Park and <br />ecreation Director Anderson was attending the <br />iational Park and Rec meeting in Minneapolis. <br />Finance Director Brager highlighted the estimated <br />1981 revenues and expenses. He stated he would <br />prepare a resolution for proposed transfers to <br />departments that have deficits in their budgets. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that each department head who <br />was over budget submit s memo explaining the overrun <br />and what can be done to avoid it in the future. <br />Finance Director Brager stated that they are close <br />to finishing work on the 1982 budget, with basically <br />just the Park and Rec activity budget to be finalized. <br />He added that it would be ready for the next agenda <br />meeting. <br />Finance Director Brager reported that they were <br />beginning to prepare for the 1981 audit, with some <br />preliminary work to be done in November. He added <br />that he has started work with the Clerk /Administrator <br />on some long term financial plans, and will be pre- <br />paring financial statements. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that the Council be given quarterly <br />=views of the budget. Finance Director Brager replied <br />.,,_.nat they will, but very little can be learned from the <br />first quarter, with more details available after the <br />second quarter. <br />