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Mounds View City Council December 14, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /Hodges to approve Reso- <br />lution No. 1388 and waive the reading, with the <br />amount to be set at $24.50 per REC per quarter. <br />The purpose of the increase is to provide <br />sufficient funds to meet increased charges from <br />the MWCC and to fund a root control program in <br />the amount of $5,000 by setting aside 25 cents <br />per REC per quarter for that purpose. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park Director Anderson reported that he had <br />spoken to Trojan Press and been told they had <br />made a $1,000 error in calculating their bid, <br />and that while they were the low bidder, their <br />references were not checking out and their phone <br />had been disconnected. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the Council is work- <br />ing under a proposal system, and they are not <br />held to the bid law. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to approve the <br />bid from Bolger Publications, pursuant to MSA <br />471.345, Sub. 4, for the City Newsletter for <br />;1982, in the amount of $7,759.92. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Official Rose reported they have received <br />the Net Council staff review of the Com- <br />prehensive Plan, and that their comments <br />are very positive. He stated that a copy <br />was available in Lae Council library brary He <br />also reported that the Physical Development <br />Committee will be reviewing the plan on <br />January 7, and he will plan on attending, <br />as well as any Planning Commission members <br />or Council members who are interested, to <br />answer any questions they might have. <br />Attorney Meyers had no report. <br />Councilmember Hodges stated he had noticed <br />a washboard -type effect on City streets <br />recently. Mayor McCarty asked Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley to check into it and <br />report back to the Council. <br />Councilmember Forslund had no report. <br />Motion Carried <br />8. Consideration of the <br />Awarding of the 1982 <br />City Newsletter Bid <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Report of Building <br />and Zoning Official <br />10. Report of Attorney <br />11. Reports of Council <br />members <br />