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Mounds View City Council December 14, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had received <br />several phone calls regarding budget problems, and <br />that someone had either misunderstood her position <br />or was misquoting her, so to set the record straight, <br />she read a prepared statement, stating that in <br />regard to budget problems, the first priority must <br />be the safety, health and welfare of the community, <br />and these services must not be jeopardized. However, <br />when it comes to reduction in staff or cutting pro- <br />grams, she believes it is the programs that must give <br />way, expecially in the short term. She added they <br />can re- introduce programs, but once they remove staff, <br />they lose experience, expertise and ideas. She added <br />that, for that reason, she requests, as she stated <br />at the past agenda meeting, that staff reductions <br />occur only as a last resort. <br />Councilmember Doty reported he had attended a meeting <br />with the Met Council concerning storm water, and <br />reviewed some of their conclusions reached and posi- <br />tion on cost benefit. <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /Blanchard to approve <br />Resolution No. 1393 and have the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley read Resolution No. <br />1393, regarding proposed school closings for <br />Mounds View Independent District #621. <br />Mayor McCarty added he will present the Reso- <br />lution to the School Board at their meeting, <br />after the Council adjourns, as the City's <br />position. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he had received an invitation <br />to the 25th anniversary of Pinewood Elementary <br />School and asked if Councilmember Hodges could <br />attend in his place, as well as any other interested <br />Council members, as he could not get away that evening. <br />Mayor McCarty read the Mayor's Message and asked <br />for agreement from the Council as to whether that <br />was their position. The Council concurred. <br />Mayor McCarty presented a memo to the Council <br />regarding the proposed budget for 1982 and asked <br />for a work session at 6:30 PM on December 16. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported that Staff <br />will be meeting during the coming week to finalize <br />budget cuts for 1982. <br />Motion Carried <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley had no report. 12. Report of <br />Administrator <br />