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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Cauncilmember Forslund asked the status of the <br />proposed daycare center. Official Rose replied <br />that a public hear is required and the church <br />has not requested' one yet. He added that they <br />are thinking of the center in another year <br />and are in the planning atages now. He reported <br />that Staff has conducted an inspection to let <br />them know what will be required. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to adjourn the 13. Adjournment <br />meeting at 8:17 PM. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Res e tfully submitte <br />o' ld F. Pauley <br />Clerk /Administrat <br />DecemUer 14, 1981 <br />Page Five <br />Motion Carried <br />