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Mrunds View City Council December 28, 1981 <br />R_gular Meeting Page Four <br />explained that 62.57% of the expenditures are <br />personnel related, 5.14% are materials and <br />supplies, and 28.58% is for contra <br />services, with the remainder being general <br />miscellaneous. <br />Mayor McCarty asked for a month to month <br />breakdown to be prepared for the Council, <br />showing when the expenses will occur, versus <br />the proposed revenues. Clerk /Administrator <br />Pauley replied that he had been working on <br />an estimate of budget cuts, per the Council's <br />direction, and would not be able to do both <br />at the same time. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he would like the depart- <br />ment head's input on what is really needed in <br />the first quarter. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to continue the <br />meeting until 6:30 PM on December 30, 1981. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />There was considerable discussion between <br />Mayor McCarty and Clerk /Administrator Pauley <br />regarding the best way to proceed with the <br />budget, and what was feasible and necessary. <br />Mayor McCarty stressed that the Council must <br />act quickly and get a firm hold on 1982 expenses <br />and try to keep the budget in line. Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley recommended using more <br />caution in making cuts and perhaps taking <br />temporary steps until a clearer picture was <br />known of the State budget. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he would like to meet <br />with management, or the department heads, and <br />get their input on cuts and salaries. Finance <br />Director Brager stated he would be able to <br />provide a cash flow projection for the Council <br />by the Wednesday meeting. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Forslund to separate <br />management and non management personnel for <br />the purpose of considering an increase, <br />based on a retroactive decision that the <br />Council would make at the time raises are <br />implemented for management personnel. <br />4 ayes 1 nay <br />Councilmember Blanchard voted against the <br />motion. <br />Motion Carried <br />