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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />assisted in the Comprehensive Plan update <br />and code review. Official Rose stated he <br />would like to thank the Council for their <br />support. He cited two instances recently <br />where there had been fires in homes, one <br />with a fireplace and the other with a wood <br />burning stove, where the work had been done <br />without a permit and without inspection <br />from the City. He added that many phone <br />calls are received from citizens asking <br />advise on how to conserve energy in their <br />home, and that he has been setting up <br />appointments before and after City Hall <br />hours to meet with people who cannot come <br />in during regular business hours. <br />Counciimember Blanchard asked if there was <br />a brochure available that could be given <br />to the citizens to answer their questions. <br />Official Rose replied that there is nothing <br />available, to his knowledge, as the questions <br />vary a great deal. <br />Acting Mayor Forslund asked if the City has <br />been receiving many calls from apartment <br />residents with complaints. Official Rose <br />replied that those calls usually come in <br />when it gets unusually cold out and they <br />do inspect all complaints. <br />Official Rose presented the Council with a <br />procedure outline to be given to citizens, <br />showing them the proper steps to be followed <br />when taking out any type of building permit. <br />Acting Mayor Forslund stated that in review- <br />ing the procedure, it looked very good, and <br />she thanked Official Rose for a job well done. <br />Acting Mayor Forslund closed the regular <br />meeting and opened the first public hearing <br />at 7:45 PM. <br />Bob Cook, 13084 ElDorado St NE, Blaine, <br />introduced himself as a representative of <br />Sunrise Methodist Church. He stated that <br />at this time, the church is requesting the <br />Council defer any action on their request <br />for a conditional use permit as they may <br />be moving the facility from the parsonage <br />into the church, which would allow more <br />room. He added that they have determined <br />that the number of children allowable in <br />the parsonage would result in a deficit <br />to the church. <br />February 8, 1982 <br />Page Two <br />7A. CUP Request for <br />Daycare Facility <br />from Sunrise Metho- <br />dist Church <br />Rslt. No. 1410 <br />