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Mounds View City Council March 22, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Official Rose reviewed the planning report, <br />pointing out specific areas the City should consi- <br />der before granting final approval, those being <br />the clarification of easements on lots 16, 17, 18 <br />and 19, an additional ten foot drainage utility <br />easement along the north line of Lot 8, that the <br />City request the developer to agree to make the <br />necessary improvements to assure proper drainage <br />along County Road I, and what should be included <br />in the development agreement. <br />Attorney Meyers recommended that separate filable <br />documents be submitted by the developer stating <br />the use as required by the City's original preliminary <br />approval in Resolution No. 1365, concerning lots <br />16, 17, 18 and 19. <br />Mr. Eigenheer stated that the c'itch is a very slight <br />one, which the County has requested, and would be <br />just deep enough to get the water off the road. He <br />added they would also like culverts put in, but he <br />does not feel it is his responsibility, as it was <br />requested of the addition east of him but was not <br />done. He stated that matter should be between the <br />City and County. <br />Attorney Meyers stated that one of the proposals <br />of the wetlands ordinance is that wetlands cannot <br />be assessed if they can not be developed. He also <br />pointed out that legal action had been taken against <br />the City to stop them from allowing the plat to be <br />approved, with the court denying the injunction. <br />He stated the lawsuit is still pending. <br />Motion /Second: Hodges /Doty to approve the <br />designated plat for final approval and have Staff <br />draw up the documents as necessary, referring to <br />the March 17, 1982 memo from the Building and <br />Zoning Official, and have ready for the next <br />meeting. Resolution No. 1365 should also be <br />included. <br />4 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Official Rose reported that Staff has been in 10. Report of Building <br />contact with Steve Wiggins regarding the elderly and Zoning Official <br />housing project. He statea Health Central, Inc. <br />will proceed with the feasibility analysis for <br />tax increment financing at their own cost and <br />risk, as long as they have the understanding <br />the City will review the proposal. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that pursuant to the <br />Council's instruction, he had reviewed the tax <br />increment financing statutes and he feels it <br />