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Mounds View City Council March 22, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />can be done at no cost to the City if it is put <br />together properly. He stated the tax increase <br />of the property would be devoted to paying off <br />the debt, and that a hearing would be required, <br />with other tax districts to be notified, but <br />he final decision would be left to the City. <br />Official Rose explained there are four steps <br />to be followed, a feasibility analysis, which <br />would take approximately one month and cost <br />$4,000, then after the Council has reviewed it, <br />a public hearing must be set, then after the <br />public hearing, if the Council gives approval, <br />final documents would be prepared, at a cost <br />of $1,000 to $2,000 more. The bonding company <br />would then sell the bond, with an approximate <br />five year payback. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated he would <br />communicate to Health Central, Inc. that the <br />City is willing to look at their analysis. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that, at the Council's 11. Report of Attorney <br />request, he has checked into the $1,275,000 <br />bond issue. He stated the City presently has <br />a contract with the developer, with the project <br />to be assessed over ten years, with interest <br />only to be collected in the first three years, <br />which is covered by a bond. Payments over <br />the next seven years will be principal a____ <br />interest, collected by assessment. He added <br />the financial consultant has submitted a <br />report of what could happen over the next 8 to <br />9 years, and it would appear that at 10 percent <br />prepayment, there would be no obligation from <br />the City at all, He suggested talking to the <br />developer to see if they would change the <br />assessment schedule, pointing out that the bond <br />buyers are protected. He added there are <br />various options the City could consider if they <br />feel it would be a problem. He stated he would <br />be preparing a written report for the Council <br />on the matter. <br />Councilmember Blanchard had no report. 12. Reports of <br />Couneilmembers <br />Councilmember Doty reported the Charter Commis- <br />sion will meet on March 24 at 7:30 PM. <br />Councilmember Hodges reported he had received <br />a letter from the Ramsey County League regard- <br />ing their April 7 meeting. He stated he would <br />be out of town for the next two weeks and <br />would like someone to attend in his place. <br />