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Mounds View City Council April 12, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to approve <br />Resolution No. 1429 and waive the reading, <br />and approve Mounds View Development Agreement <br />No. 82 -52 between the City of Mounds View and <br />Robert Eigenheer, including Exhibit 2A. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Forslund questioned how Lhe City <br />could come back with special assessments. <br />Attorney Meyers explained that the builder agreed <br />to it, and explained the process of assessments. <br />Official Rose also clarified the difference <br />between special assessments and reapportionment. <br />Mr. Eigenheer asked if it would be possible to <br />have the $6944.82 special assessment assessed <br />to the individual properties rather than paid in <br />full before the final plat is filed. Attorney <br />Meyers informed the Council the fee could be <br />assessed against the property. <br />Mr. Eigenheer also questioned how the $5,000 <br />fee for inspections and administrative costs <br />was arrived at. Official Rose replied that it <br />is the usual amount required for a development <br />of that nature, and any unused portion will be <br />returned. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hodges charge Item 7 <br />of Development Agreement 82 -52, Exhibit 2A, <br />to allow this to be specially assessed against <br />the benefited properties in lieu of a one -time <br />payment when the final plat is filed. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Betty Wall, 5425 Quincy Street, introduced <br />other members of the Mounds View Residents <br />board who were present, and gave a summary <br />of what they are hoping to build in the City, <br />along with the history of the project. She <br />invited all interested people to attend the <br />next board meeting, at 7:30 AM on April 16. <br />Mayor McCarty thanked Mrs. Wall for the <br />excellent job she has done and the time and <br />effort she has put into the project. <br />Steve Wiggins explained that the Council had <br />requested a feasibility study be do.e, which <br />they will be presenting this evening. He <br />then introduced Gary Winter, of the law firm <br />Holmes and Graven, who had prepared the study. <br />9. Review and Con <br />sideration for <br />Final Approval of <br />the Edgewood Square <br />and D.A. <br />Considerations <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Presentation of <br />Tax Increment <br />Feasibility Report <br />on Elderly Housing <br />Project by Steve <br />Wiggins <br />