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Mounds View City Council May 10, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Motion /Second: Hodges /Blanchard to accept the <br />recommendation of the Chief of the Civil <br />Service Commission to hire Terrance Broos, <br />effective May 17, 1982. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /Hodges to approve <br />the fill request for 2609 Louisa Avenue, <br />with respect to Resolution No. 54 -82 of the <br />Planning Commission, recommending approval, <br />contingent upon compliance with the <br />resolution. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Official Rose reported that Mr. and Mrs. <br />Arthur Doltz of 2191 Terrace Drive had <br />appeared before the Planning Commission <br />and had their request for a front yard set- <br />back denied, and would like to appeal it <br />to the Council. He requested a public <br />hearing be set. <br />Motion /Second: Forslund /Blanchard to set a <br />public hearing for Arthur Doltz, 2191 Terrace <br />Drive, for a front yard setback variance <br />request, for May 24, 1982 at 7:50 PM. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and <br />opened the public hearing at 7:42 PM. <br />Gary Winter, of Holmes and Graven, presented <br />the Council with a revised document regarding <br />the tax increment financing, and covered each <br />revision with them and answered questions from <br />the Council. <br />Attorney Meyers answered questions from the <br />Council regarding tax increment financing, and <br />some of the revisions that had been made. <br />Mayor McCarty asked for any comments from the <br />audience. There were none. Mayor McCarty <br />closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:58 PM. <br />7. Consideration of <br />Civil Service <br />Commission <br />Recommendation <br />Regarding the <br />Hiring of a Police <br />Officer <br />Motion Carried <br />8. Consideration of <br />Fill Permit <br />Request for 2609 <br />Louisa Avenue <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Report of <br />Building and <br />Zoning Official <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Public Hearing <br />Proposal to <br />Establish Tax <br />Increment Financing <br />District for Elderly <br />Housing Project <br />