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Mounds View City Council June 14, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Councilmember Doty reported he saw a family of 13. <br />Canadian geese at Silver Lake Pond. He added <br />that the grass seems to be doing well. He also <br />reported that the Lambert Park shelter building <br />will be done soon. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked that the Police <br />Department check into people who are parking in <br />the no- parking zone in front of Scotland Green <br />Apartments, on County Road H2, as it is very <br />difficult for traffic to get through. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated he would have <br />the Police Department check into it. He also <br />answered a question regarding the status of the <br />ditch cleaning, stating that the contractor had <br />been warned of the liability clause in the <br />contract for being overdue. He added they are <br />doing a very good job and seem to be working <br />faster now, with their machinery repaired. <br />Councilmember Forslund asked that First State <br />Bark of New Brighton be contacted regarding <br />putting a fence between them and the residents <br />homes. She asked that the Police Department <br />advise as to the health, safety and welfare factor. <br />Mayor McCarty replied that Staff should first <br />check into the development agreement, and then <br />approach the bank. He added he felt they would <br />most likely be cooperative in putting up a <br />fence, and asked Clerk /Administrator Pauley to <br />check the development agreement. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the School Board <br />was meeting to discuss the proposed uses for the <br />closed schools. He stated that indications are <br />they will propose keeping Edgewood open as a <br />community center. He added he would advise the <br />Council as soon as he knew what action was taken. <br />Park Director Anderson rel.orted the Park Board <br />has requested a joint meeting with the Council <br />to map out some future directions, concerning <br />park shelter buildings, Silver View Park, and <br />community involvement. Mayor McCarty stated <br />he felt they should devote an entire evening to <br />it, with nothing else on the agenda. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to approve a joint <br />meeting of the City Council and Park and Recrea- <br />tion Commission on July 8, 1982 at 7 PM. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Reports of <br />Councilmembers <br />Motion Carried <br />