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Mounds View City Council June 14, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to authorize the <br />Public Works /Community Development Director to hire <br />a person for part -time work in the Public Works <br />department. <br />4 ayes <br />Director Johnson reported they are progressing in <br />the search for a public works foreman, and ran an <br />ad in the Minneapolis and St. Paul papers over <br />the weekend, with a closing date of June 25 for <br />applications. <br />Mayor McCarty stated since it was still a prime <br />concern to hire from within the present employees, <br />it has come to his attention there is someone in <br />the maintenance department that is interested in <br />the position. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the City was under no <br />obligation to anyone by having advertised for the <br />position. <br />There was discussion regarding offering the <br />position to Gary Kardell, as to whether he had <br />supervisory capabilities. It was suggested the <br />position be offered to him immediately, on a <br />trial basis, with the assurance that Mr. Kardell <br />could return to his present job if it did not <br />work out. It was also suggested the salary be <br />set slightly lower than the original recommendation. <br />:lotion /Second: McCarty /Doty to authorize Director <br />Johnson and Clerk /Administrator Pauley to offer the <br />new Public Works Foreman position to Gary Kardell <br />for a trial period of six months, with an increase <br />in his present salary of $1,500 per year, and upon <br />final acceptance at the end of the trial period, <br />an increase to $2,000 per year. <br />4 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers recommended the Council discuss 12. Report of <br />home occupations in the Chapter 40 review. Attorney <br />He also reported the proposed setback require- <br />ments may resolve a present complaint regarding <br />a driveway that was built too close to the property <br />line. <br />Attorney Meyers reported he will be meeting with <br />the Council on June 21 to discuss the wetl^nds <br />ordinance. <br />