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Mounds View City Council June 28, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />He added they will have the PCA do a noise reading, <br />and will take a look at the present position and <br />see if there is a better direction to take. <br />Paul Donley, of the Mounds View School District, <br />asked the Council for temporary approval to begin <br />the transformation of Edgewood from a school to a <br />community center. He explained they have a tenant <br />that must move in by July 1. Upon questioning by <br />the City Attorney and Council, he agreed that if <br />for some reason they were unable to meet the con- <br />ditions of the conditional use permit, they would <br />move the tenant out. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to issue a tem- <br />porary conditional use permit to the School Board <br />of District 621. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Dick Povlitzki asked authorization for a license <br />to sell 3.2 beer on the Waste property during a <br />weekend festival at his establishment. He <br />explained the beer would be sold on the Waste <br />property, but the patrons would also be on his <br />parking lot, and asked if he would be in violation <br />of an ordinance. <br />Attorney Meyers explained the ordinance and the <br />reasons behind it. He stated Mr. Povlitzki would <br />not be in violation by selling the beer off his <br />own property, but he could not guarantee there <br />would not be problems. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to grant a 3.2 <br />license contingent upon receipt of a formal <br />letter of application and payment of the <br />applicable fees, for July 31 and August 1, 1982, <br />on the property described as owned by Mr. Waste. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Greg Johnson, 2865 Highway 10, asked for an <br />explanation of the May 24, 1982 Council minutes, <br />which state the City is gathering evidence to <br />take him back to Court. Attorney Meyers explained <br />they had been questioned by a citizen who was <br />concerned with a business being operated in a <br />residential zone, and they are gathering the <br />evidence to take Mr. Johnson to court for a <br />home occupation that is inconsistent with <br />residential property. <br />Mr. Johnson stated he was not the only one who <br />was not operating within the ordinances, and <br />stated he had a complaint against Donald Gross, <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />