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Mounds View City Council September 13, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Jerry Linke reported the Planning Commission has <br />discussed the problem already, and at this point, <br />there is nothing they can do. Mayor McCarty <br />replied that if the Planning Commission comes back <br />and says off street parking requirements should be <br />made stronger, and Council can consider it. <br />Councilmember Doty reported he had viewed the <br />burned shelter building, and the damage seemed to <br />be mainly confined to the roof. <br />Councilmember Doty reported that since funds have <br />been allocated for a dump truck for the City, <br />Staff has been asked to check into purchasing a <br />used one. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported the community <br />picnic at Groveland Park was very well received, <br />and she hopes to see this type of activity spread <br />to the other neighborhoods. <br />Mayor McCarty reported there would be another <br />budget session on September 20, at the regular <br />agenda meeting, prior to the public hearing. <br />Mayor McCarty reported the City is required to <br />publish a summary of the budget prior to the <br />public hearing, and since it had been overlooked <br />for the City newsletter, it would have to be <br />published in the New Brighton Bulletin. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to authorize <br />from the contingency fund, adequate funds to <br />print the budget summary in the New Brighton <br />Bulletin for publication on September 16, and <br />to post as soon as possible, notice of the <br />hearing on the sign board outside City Hall. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Doty reported the Charter <br />Commission will be meeting at 7 PM on September <br />22. <br />The Council reveiwed Resolution No. 1471, and <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the ordinance would <br />prevail over the resolution. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to add "Be in <br />therefore and finally resolved, this resolution <br />shall take effect upon the applicable amend- <br />ment to Ordinance No. 50." <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to approve <br />Resolution No. 1471 and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />