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Mounds View City Council October 25, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />The rates for the system will be guaranteed for <br />three years after certification of the system, <br />and then the consumers are somewhat guaranteed <br />of reasonable prices due to the competitiveness <br />of the market. <br />Mayor McCarty expressed concern with pornography <br />possibly being passed through. It was explained <br />that Chanel 6 is regulated by the State, and that <br />while the franchise authority has no control over <br />what is passed through, they do have the autho- <br />rity to control what is broadcast in the City. <br />There was discussion regarding the requirement <br />that use be given to any group, without dis- <br />crimination, of free access chanels, and the <br />City's concern over controlling pornography. <br />It was noted that Group W would support the <br />City if the City was sued for stopping porno- <br />graphy, and would use their insurance bonds, <br />and letters of credit, as back -up. It was <br />noted there is a lock -out available for the <br />tv's, and that while there is no adult chanel <br />currently available, the City can add programs <br />as others are deleted, and the City would have <br />to consent to the choice of programs. <br />It was noted that a converter will be required <br />for each tv set that is to be hooked up to <br />cable, and the additional cost for each set is <br />$2.95. Also, 5% of the franchise fee for all <br />gross revenues will go to the City, with the <br />FCC requiring that the funds be spent on cable <br />related activity, with this 5% being in addition <br />to the $225,000 grant Group W is providing the <br />City. <br />Two studios are planned for the area, with one <br />being at the Fairview Community Center in Rose- <br />ville and the other hopefully at the Edgewood <br />Community Resource Center in Mounds View, with <br />workshops to be conducted to train people on <br />the use of the video equipment, so that anyone <br />who is interested can learn how to operate and <br />produce a program. <br />It is felt the marketplace will support the <br />industry, and Group W will be in on the new <br />technology as it occurs. The ordinance is <br />written so that if the cable system should <br />go bankrupt, it can be removed from the City. <br />Repair procedures were explainea, and the <br />controls governing them. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley brought up that <br />the while the public works building Has not <br />