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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Attorney Meyers advised that, pursuant to State <br />statutes, the City elected not to come into <br />compliance, and this will be enforced until the <br />subdivision ordinance is next amended. He <br />added the City Council should be aware of the <br />120 day waiting period, whereby if they should <br />fail to move, a request would be deemed approved. <br />He also advised that with the moritorium law, <br />that when the 1980 law went into effect, any <br />proposal that was before the City would be <br />approved. He recommended action be tabled until <br />the moritorium law either expires or is repealed. <br />Acting Mayor Hodges closed the public hearing and <br />reopened the regular meeting at 8:07 PM. <br />Director Johnson asked if another public hearing <br />would be required if the matter is not discussed <br />again until April. Attorney Meyers responded <br />that it would be best to hold another public <br />hearing. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to table this <br />item, concerning subdivision regulations, until <br />April of 1985. <br />3 ayes 0 nays <br />Director Johnson reviewed the situation concerning <br />street names in the Silver Lake Woods addition, and <br />reported that it appears that a renumbering of the <br />addresses wou a rosolve the potential problems, <br />and that no building permits have been applied for <br />yet for the effected area. <br />There was discussion among the Council and members <br />of the audience regarding confusion over two Lake <br />Court Drives. <br />Motion /Second: Hodges /Doty to direct Staff to <br />modify the building addresses on Parkview Terrace <br />and Parkview Drive, of the Silver Lake Woods <br />addition. <br />3 ayes 0 nays <br />It was decided that the issue of street names <br />would be further discussed at the next agenda <br />session. <br />Acting Mayor Hodges closed the regular meeting and <br />opened the fourth public hearing at 8:15 PM. <br />November 8, 1982 <br />Page Four <br />6C. Ordinance No. <br />323 Amending <br />Chapter 42, En- <br />titled "Sub- <br />division Regula- <br />tions" <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Report of Direc- <br />tor of Public <br />Works /Community <br />Development <br />Motion Carried <br />