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Mounds View City Council January 10, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eight <br />It was the concensus of the Council that if it is <br />required by the ordinance, they should take another <br />look at it and add it to their list of things to <br />review. It was felt that the Council receives <br />enough information from the Planning Commission <br />during the year that a special report is not required <br />at year end. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported the Planning <br />Commission has requested copies of the Isberg report <br />once it has been accepted by the Council. Director <br />Johnson recommended inviting the Planning Commission <br />the attend the meetings with the Council and Mr. <br />Isberg, and participate, as appropriate. <br />Commissioner Warren explained the Planning Commission <br />would like an opportunity to review the report before <br />it's final approval, and they would like to be <br />knowledgeable before meeting with Mr. Isberg. <br />Mayor McCarty replied they can arrange to have a <br />member of the committee sit down with the Commissioners, <br />along with Director Johnson, and explain it to them. <br />Director Johnson added he would see that they receive <br />copies of the report. <br />Councilmember Doty reported he had visited Woodcrest <br />Park's shelter building, and that while the building <br />looks good, he does not like its unfinished look, but <br />is sure it will be top -notch by Spring. <br />Councilmember Doty asked that the Council approve a <br />resolution, setting the payday for the Council members <br />as the last Thursday of the month. He stated his <br />reasoning for requesting that is he likes to have a <br />definite day for being paid, rather than a changing <br />date each month. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained the Council pay- <br />checks are run the same time as the Staff checks, and <br />it would require a separate run to do them later in <br />the month. The Council discussed the matter, and <br />it was decided it wculd be discussed further at an <br />agenda session. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty/Blanchard to set the Human <br />Rights Commission meeting for the January 17, 1983 <br />agenda session. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor McCarty asked the Council to check their <br />calendars and set a date for a goals and policies <br />meeting. He also reminded the Council of the <br />reorganization meeting scheduled for 7 PM on <br />January 11. <br />Motion Carried <br />