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Mounds View City Council January 10, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />that a vendor or anyone installing a sign would <br />be required to be licensed in the City, and that a <br />permit is required for each sign, and the fees <br />involved can only be waived for a religious or <br />civic organization, by the City Council. He also <br />noted that permits can be approved by the Clerk/ <br />Administrator, but that special approval is <br />needed from the Council for unusual, or illuminated, <br />signs. He noted that if the Council approves the <br />sign in question, it would be sufficient autho- <br />rization for the Clerk /Administrator to issue a <br />permit. <br />Mr. McFarlane stated the problem is in having a <br />permit required for each sign and each time one <br />is rented or placed. Attorney Meyers replied <br />that the ordinance does call for a permit each <br />time. <br />There was discussion among the Council regarding <br />the fees, and it was noted the resolution that <br />set the fees would have to be researched. There <br />was also concern expressed about the placement <br />of the signs. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard that the Council <br />reter the temporary sign issue to the Planning <br />Commission for their recommendation. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Director Johnson stated he would have the Planning <br />Department see if it could be added to the next <br />Planning Commission agenda, and get back to <br />Mr. McFarlane. <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Hankner to approve the 8. Consideration <br />labor relations subscriber service renewal, in of Staff Memo <br />the amount of $1,485.00. Regarding <br />Labor Relations <br />5 ayes 0 nays Subscriber Svc. <br />Motion Carried <br />Director Johnson reported they have rFi-eived 3 9. Report of <br />quotations for the repair of the drive shaft in Director of <br />well #2, with the low bid being from Robert Public Works/ <br />Rode, at $550, versus $1,025 and $1,280. He Community <br />explained Mr. Rode does this work on the side Development <br />and has access to the required machinery. He <br />also stated Mr. Rode will guarantee his work. <br />