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Mounds View City Council March 28, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eight <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty that notification be sent <br />to our State Legislators, Representative Gordon Voss, <br />Representative Dan Knuth and Senator Steven Novak, <br />that the Mounds View City Council reaffirms our opposi- <br />tion to installation of precision instrument landing <br />systems at the Anoka County Blaine Airport. Further, <br />that it is the city of Mounds View's opinion that installa- <br />tion of such precision instrument landing systems is <br />contrary to provisions in Minnesota Statutes 473.641, <br />Subd. 4, 473.181, Subd. 5, and 473.611, Subd. 5. Finally, <br />a copy of the letter of position regarding this matter, <br />from the City Attorney to Mr. Charles Weaver, dated <br />October 27, 1981 be forwarded to our legislators. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Hankner asked what was included in the <br />October 27, 1981 letter, as she had never seen it. <br />Mayor McCarty summarized the letter. <br />4 ayes <br />Councilmember Hankner voted against the motion. <br />Paul Fedor of the Mounds View Lions Club, and Stan <br />Haugen, of the Groveland Park Association, addressed <br />the Council and asked for a clarification on where the <br />Council stands on the Lions Club holding a casino <br />night at the Bel -Rae Ballroom. Mr. Fedor stated the <br />Lions Club would like to financially assist the <br />Groveland Park Association, but needs a major fund- <br />raising event to do so. He stated they would like <br />to have a joint casino night, but they understand <br />there is a problem with the law that stipulates <br />liquor cannot be served in conjunction with gambling. <br />He stated they would be willing to guarantee that <br />no liquor would be sold by anyone, nor any liquor <br />be consumed on the premises. <br />Attorney Meyers stated he felt the Lions would qualify <br />for an exemption but that the Groveland Park Association <br />would not, as they would have had to be in existence <br />Motion Carried <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported that in the 14. Report of <br />League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Bulletin, Administrator <br />there was an article about House File 748, which <br />would have a significant impact upon the labor <br />laws and would effect the City. He reviewed the <br />proposed revisions and stated he would be contacting <br />our legislators that the City was taking with extreme <br />umbrage the provisions of the bill, and will be <br />putting a resolution together for Council consideration. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /McCarty to approve Resolution <br />No. 1589 opposing House File 748, leaving the body of <br />the resolution to Clerk /Administrator Pauley. <br />1 nay Motion Carried <br />