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Mounds View City Council March 28, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />fo six months, with at least 30 dues paying members. <br />Mr. Haugen stated they would be willing to run things <br />through the Lions Club. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed some portions of the code <br />regarding liquor and gambling. He stated that not <br />serving liquor does not solve the problem according <br />to the law. <br />Mr. Fedor stated he could understand the problems the <br />City had earlier by allowing gambling at the Bel-Rae, <br />and suggested that if the ordinance is changed, the <br />Council consider raising the fees to an appreciable <br />amount, and consider waiving portions of the fee, <br />dependent upon the worth of the organization to the <br />City. <br />Councilmember Linke pointed out fees are set by <br />resolution. <br />Attorney Meyers stated they could make an exception <br />under 107, which could allow this, and should not <br />change the liquor ordinance. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to table the Lions Club <br />request until the next regular Council meeting, giving <br />Staff an opportunity to thoroughly research the request <br />and come up with a recommendation for the Council. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mr. Fedor reminded the Council of the Easter Egg Hunt <br />on April 2 and asked for all available Council members <br />to be present. He also asked permission for the Lions <br />Club to present a check to the Groveland Park Association, <br />at the next Council meeting, and have pictures taken by <br />the press. The Council granted approval. <br />Councilmember Doty asked that Staff specify the types <br />of gambling allowed under State law. Clerk /Administrator <br />Pauley replied it is set in 107. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Linke to adjourn the meeting at 15. Adjournment <br />10:02 PM. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />pectfully s}a-bmrtted, <br />s1/ 7 <br />Don Ft Pley <br />Clerk /Admini trator <br />Motion Carried <br />