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Mounds View City Council March 28, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />He showed maps of the sewer and water system in Mounds <br />View, depicting when they were built, and summarized <br />with his recommendations for both the sewer and water <br />systems. <br />His recommendations included a maintenance program for <br />the water system to the year 2000 at a cost of $42,500 <br />per year and a 3 -5 year capital improvement program at <br />a cost of $328,800. He also recommended an inspection, <br />maintenance and improvement program for the sewer system <br />at an annual cost of $33,100. <br />Finance Director Brager gave a presentation, stating <br />that Staff has made a detailed financial analysis of <br />the situation, and presented a proposed budget for <br />both the sewer and water systems. Finance Director <br />Brager reviewed the previous rates charged, versus <br />the proposed rates and the difference in cost in the <br />County's billing to the users. <br />The Council thanked Staff for the excellent job they <br />have done on this project. <br />Josey Warren thanked Staff for the thorough presen- <br />tation they made on March 19 and for the public <br />hearing. She stated that as far as rates are concerned, <br />she felt Staff's recommendations are very favorable, <br />and that while they are proposing a large percentage <br />increase, the City has not increased the water rates <br />since 1980, so when averaged out, would represent <br />approximately an 8% increase. She recommended that <br />funds be dedicated to cover maintenance and replacement <br />costs, and asked how the problem of a large increase <br />in one year could be avoided in the future, and recom- <br />mended appointing a citizens panel to review the problem <br />and make a recommendation to the Council. <br />Councilmember Doty replied that the Council must <br />set the rates yearly, and in order to avoid a yearly <br />increase, would have to set them higher now to plan <br />for the future. He added he was not sure a citizens <br />group would be able to help out. <br />Mayor McCarty stated that maintenance to this point <br />has been a repair by crisis program, and they have found <br />the rates were not set high enough to meet the <br />depreciation rate of the equipment, and knowledge <br />of the history of the City was necessary to understand how <br />the problem occurred. He pointed out that Finance <br />Director Brager was hired in the summer of 1978 and engineering <br />expertise was recently made available via staff reorganization <br />which has given the City additional talent to r utility <br />problems. He added that while he is in favor of citizens groups, <br />the Council was elected to represent the citizens and serve them <br />and the Council and staff had already addressed most of Ms. Warren's <br />suggestions. <br />