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Mounds View City Council April 11, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Director Johnson reported on the Public Works depart- <br />ment, with the number of wells and hydrants repaired, <br />and street repair that has been done. He reported the <br />Sewer Department is only cleaning trouble spots at this <br />time, and that a new :maintenance person has been hired. <br />He updated the Council on the LP conversion an on <br />training taken by employees. <br />Director Johnson updated the Council on the number of <br />hours he had worked during the quarter, and what was <br />remaining. He also informed them they are in the <br />process of preparing plans and specs for the installa- <br />tion of chemical feed equipment, which will hopefully <br />eliminate the excess maganese in the water. He advised <br />he would have it before the Council later in the month, <br />or in early May, for further direction on how to <br />proceed. <br />Director Johnson reported the repairs on Well #6 were <br />not as bad as anticipated, but that heavy fill has <br />been encountered which will have to be removed, and <br />they are now looking at the most cost effective way <br />of removing it. <br />Mayor McCarty noted the water problems have received <br />considerable attention from some of the residents of <br />the City, and asked if the letters the Council had <br />directed sent last January had been sent out. Director <br />Johnson replied that approximately 25 out of 100 <br />people have received their letter so far. He explained <br />the letters were being sent out as the secretarial staff <br />had time to do them. <br />Mayor McCarty asked Clerk /Administrator Pauiey to <br />provide clerical assistance so that the remaining letters <br />could be sent out in a timely manner. <br />Acting Police Chief Smith reported the first quarter <br />was slow, and that two officers went to breathalizer <br />school, and two officers were out on sick leave for <br />a total of 27 days in the past month. He reported <br />the cars are down 2300 miles over the previous year <br />in mileage, and stated a CSO will be hired, hopefully <br />by May. He reported a block watch program was started <br />in March, and they are looking for volunteers to be <br />block captains. <br />Finance Director Brager reported they are working on <br />the year end financial report, and the auditors are <br />in now, with their report expected to be complete by <br />mid -May. He reported the department has participated <br />in the utilities maintenance and capitol improvements <br />program. They also have been heavily involved in the <br />word processor selection process, with the employees <br />to receive training later in the month, on April 18 -21. <br />