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Mounds View City Council May 23, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />zoning, for any increase in traffic that would occur <br />over and above the permitted use. He stated there <br />is evidence of an adverse effect on single family <br />dwellings, and they should take into consideration <br />the nature of the neighborhood now and the existing <br />use of the abutting property, and they can take <br />into consideration the transient nature of renters, but not <br />race, color, creed or economic status. He advised <br />that if the proposal a rezoning is granted, they <br />could put into the development agreement that the <br />parking lots be kept clear in the winter, and back <br />it up by a bond, which would be carried down to any <br />future owners. He added that the screening with <br />trees could be covered for a reasonable time for <br />replacement. He also advised the courts are not <br />concerned with the profit a developer might make. <br />Attorney Meyers also advised that the Comp Plan <br />designation should be used as a guide only, and <br />that whatever the correct zoning is would control <br />the use, and that to adopt the proposal would re- <br />quire a 4/5 vote. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked if there was any <br />room for compromise between the developer and <br />residents, and suggested tabling action if there <br />is a possibility of compromise. <br />Mayor McCarty stated that in reference to the <br />Comp Plan, it is not to be viewed as a hard and <br />fact outline of the community, but that they <br />are dealing with guidelines. He stated that <br />there seem to be some continuing problems with <br />parking, snow plowing and garbage and so forth, <br />which can be dealt with. However, there is <br />a problem with the compatibility with the <br />surrounding neighborhood. He stated he felt it <br />is good planning to do transitional zoning, and <br />that they could maintain the neighborhood as <br />R -1, for some distance, and then allow the <br />higher zoning toward the Bel Rae Ballroom. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the item could be tabled, <br />but there would be a logistics problem, as everyone <br />involved would have to be notified again for further <br />discussion and action. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Linke to deny the plat as <br />presented, with the reasons for denial based upon <br />the existing Zoning, Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 40 of <br />the Municipal Code, and further, to table the <br />Babinski proposal and rerefer it to the Planning <br />Commission for further disposition, taking into <br />consideration transitional zoning. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />