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Mounds View City Council May 23, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Mr. Gustufson informed the residents he has been <br />paying taxes on the property for over 40 years, <br />and they have been increasing $5,000 to .76,000 each <br />year, and it is to the point where he cannot afford <br />to keep up with the taxes. He stated he felt the <br />residents property was devalued already when they <br />purchased it, with the apartment buildings already <br />present. He added thy' the proposed development <br />will be pleasing in appearance. <br />Mr. Gustufson stated this was the fifth time he has <br />come before the City to try and develop the property, <br />but had been turned down each time because of the <br />residents complaints. He presented examples of how <br />the residents in the area have been using his property, <br />and asked for the right to use his own property. <br />Mayor McCarty asked if the property was R -1 when Mr. <br />Gustufson purchased it. Mr. Gustufson replied he <br />purchased it 40 years ago, and it was just one solid <br />piece of ground at that time, and that he put in his <br />own road. He added he did not ask to have the <br />property zoned to R -1, and that the Council did that <br />of their own authority, and that while he did not <br />protest it at that time, there was no objective to <br />it then. <br />Mr. Gustufson stated he had recently been discussing <br />the sale of the property to a residential developer, <br />but after viewing the type of home the developer <br />built, felt the four plexes would be of a much higher <br />quality. <br />Several of the residents replied to Mr. Gustufson, <br />stating they would prefer to see him sell to the <br />residential developer, as the opportunity was there. <br />They also expressed concern with pride in ownership. <br />James Carter, 7660 Greenfield, stated he has had a <br />problem with garbage in the neighborhood and people <br />litering, as well as problems with no privacy, and <br />the apartment residents and children coming into <br />his back yard, which is fenced. He stated he is <br />opposed to the development as there are enough <br />transient people already that they have to deal <br />with. He also stated there is a parking problem. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 9:08 PM. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the Council can consi- <br />der the items that have been brought up, and that <br />if additional parking problems would be created, <br />they could be taken into consideration, as well <br />as the reliance of the people based on the current <br />