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CONSENT AGENDA <br />May 23, 1983 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. The <br />notion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item can <br />be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda <br />for debate. <br />ITEM A. Authorize Mayor and Clerk- Administrator to Enter into <br />a Contract with DeLaHunt, Voto Co. for a Special <br />Assessment Debt Service Study at a Cost not to Exceed <br />$5,000 to be Funded out of the Water Works Improvement <br />Bond Fund of 1960 <br />ITEM B. Adopt Resolution No. 1604 Adopting the 1984 Budget Calendar <br />ITEM C. Adopt Resolution No. 1606 Adopting the 1983 Recreation <br />Activity Fund Budget <br />ITEM D. Adopt Resolution No. 1605 Authorizing the Installation of <br />Streetlight <br />ITEM E. Accept Resignation of Shirley Buntrock from the Mounds View <br />Festivities Commission and Adopt Resolution No. 1597 <br />Commending Shirley Buntrock for Two Years of Dedicated <br />Service on the Mounds View Festivities Ccnrnission <br />ITEM F. Accept 1982 Financial Statements and Auditor's Management <br />Report and Recommendations <br />ITEM G. Set Revenue Sharing Proposed Use Hearing for 7:40 p.m. <br />on June 13, 1983 <br />ITEM H i. Adopt Resolution No. 1611 Approving Planning Case 127 -83 <br />A Minor Subdivision Request <br />ITEM I. Adopt Resolution No. 1610 Appointing Signatores fcr <br />POST Board Training Reimbursement Monies <br />ITEM J. Licenses for Approval <br />General Expire 6/30/83 <br />B L Home Improvement, Inc. New <br />D D Home Improvement, Inc. New <br />Scott Builders, Inc. Renewal <br />Twin City Storm Sash, Inc. New <br />Masonry Expire 6/30/83 <br />Norsk Concrete Renewal <br />Asphalt Expire 6/30/83 <br />Darrell's Contracting New <br />Sewer and Water. Expire 6/30/83 <br />H.B.H. Construction, Inc. New <br />ITEM K. Adopt Resolution No. 1598 Approving Just and Correct Claims <br />Against. City Funds <br />Other Expire 6/30/83 <br />Jack Newberry New <br />(Fence Installation) <br />