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The Mounds View City Council was called to order by 1. Call to Order <br />Mayor McCarty at 7:34 PM on August 8, 1983. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Doty, Linke, 2. Roll Call <br />Hankner, Blanchard and Mayor McCarty. <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Meyers and Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley. <br />Acting Police Chief Smith informed the Council that 3. 2nd Quarter <br />the second quarter had been quiet, with the number Department Head <br />of calls down, and citations up slightly. He Report Police <br />reported the CSO is working out well, and that one Chief <br />officer had been out on sick leave. He also reported <br />that Operation Block Watch is going well, but slow, <br />due to limitations in time and manpower, and asked <br />that an article be placed in the newsletter about it. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Linke to approve the <br />July 25, 1983 minutes as corrected. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Doty abstained from the vote as he had <br />not been present at the July 25 meeting. <br />There were no residents requests or comments from <br />the floor. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that Items D and E be removed <br />for discussion. Councilmember Doty asked that Item F <br />be removed also. <br />Motion/Second; McCarty /Blanchard to approve the con- <br />sent agenda, minus Items D, E and F, and waive the <br />reading of the resolutions. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />1 abstention <br />DATE APPROVED: August 22, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting <br />August 8, 1983 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />4. Approval of <br />Minutes: <br />July 25, 1983 <br />Motion Carried <br />5. Residents Re- <br />quests and <br />Comments from <br />the Floor <br />6. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />