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Mounds View City Council August 8, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />On Item D, Mayor McCarty questioned how the damage <br />estimates were determined for the vandalism done to <br />the warming houses. Park Director Anderson replied <br />that Police reports had been filed in February 1982, <br />and claims filed with the insurance company, and <br />Satellite Industries was informed of the situation. <br />He added the City did not hear back from Satellite <br />until August 1982, and that they had gone ahead <br />and repaired the buildings and billed the City, at <br />which time the City submitted the billing to the <br />insurance company, which paid $318.74 of the <br />$3,073.57 bill. He explained that the insurance <br />company determined the acts of vandalism had <br />occurred over a period of time, and thus each had a <br />separate deductible, and they also felt that some <br />of the items were considered regular wear and tear, <br />which they would not cover. <br />Councilmember Doty asked if any of the vandals had <br />been caught. Park Director Anderson replied that <br />there had not been enough evidence to charge anyone <br />with, and that one attendant had admitted to his <br />part in it, and the money he had paid to the City <br />had gone into the appropriate account. <br />Mayor McCarty reviewed Park Director Anderson's memo <br />of July 22 to Satellite Industries, stating that he <br />felt the labor and repair bills provided did not <br />adequately reflect the damage that actually occurred, <br />and that the invoices and repairs were made after the <br />fact, without approval of either the City or the city's <br />insurance agency, and asked Attorney Meyers if the <br />City had any recourse. <br />Attorney Meyers replied that the matter could be <br />argued, but he was not certain what factual basis <br />could be used in the dispute. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to table Item D and <br />direct Staff to negotiate with Satellite Industries, <br />offering a settlement of 60% of that which has been <br />requested. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers also recommended checking to see if <br />Satellite had carried insurance on the buildings. <br />Park Director Anderson replied that the City had been <br />required to have a special rider taken on the build- <br />ings. <br />On Item E, Mayor McCarty questioned if the raise <br />was to be a merit increase. Park Director Anderson <br />replied that it was. <br />Motion Carried <br />