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Mounds View City Council August 8, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to approve Item E, noting <br />that the salary increase is a merit increase, to be <br />funded from general account no. 100 350 -4304, retro- <br />active to June 15, 1983. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />On Item F, Councilmember Doty stated that the people <br />involved would like to have a plaque to commemorate <br />those who were involved in the park and its ultimate <br />release to the community. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Linke to approve Item F, and <br />direct the Park and Rec Commission to negotiate with <br />Spring Lake Park to put together a plaque commemorating <br />those people involved in Lakeside Park, Inc., and <br />prepare some type of fitting ceremony. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park Director Anderson reported there was nothing <br />further to present to the Council at this time, <br />and he hoped to have an agreement reached before <br />the next agenda session. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to table this item <br />until the next agenda session, for further Staff <br />report. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported that, due to <br />action taken during the 19d3 Legislative session, <br />the City is required to obtain two or mere written <br />proposals for a purchase of under $15,000, and if <br />the Council would be in favor of the purchase of <br />the dump truck, they should direct Mr. Anderson <br />to obtain a second written proposal. <br />Mayor McCarty asked for a clarification of the pro- <br />blem in transporting equipment and employees. Park <br />Director Anderson replied that with so many summer <br />employees working for the City through grant programs, <br />they have found it to work best to have everyone <br />report to Woodcrest Park first thing in the morning, <br />for their assignments and to dispense equipment, and <br />from there they are being transported to where they <br />are to work for the day, and since there is not an <br />extra City vehicle available to transport them, one <br />of the workers has been driving her own personal <br />vehicle, using it to transport the other workers <br />and equipment and so forth. <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />7. Consideration <br />of Staff Memo <br />Regarding Hir- <br />ing of Part <br />Time Aquatics <br />Coordinator <br />Motion Carried <br />8. Consideration <br />of Memo from <br />Parks, Rec and <br />Forestry Direc- <br />tor Regarding <br />Dump Truck <br />Proposal <br />