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Mounds View City Council August 8, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Mr. Miller stated they are requesting to file a final <br />plat, and at the last agenda meeting, Staff had <br />indicated they would like more time to consider the <br />wetlands alteration. He stated that he has no <br />objection to any additional time that they would <br />like. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that there are a number <br />of differences in completing the process, and that both <br />Staff and the Planning Commission have requested policy <br />statements. She presented the Council with a suggested <br />timetable to be established for completion of the <br />process for the Miller plat. She also stated that the <br />Council has discussed the extension process and what <br />they want to look at during that period, to insure <br />conformance with the ordinance, make sure the preli- <br />minary plat meets the wetland reclassification, that <br />they give Staff the necessary time for their review, <br />and resolve the drainage issues. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that the input the Council <br />has received points out two areas to work on, to <br />amend the inventory of the wetlands, as the ordinance <br />does provide for it, which would require a public <br />hearing and a 4/5 vote of the Council. It would <br />also involve an ordinance, which would involve a <br />waiting time. He stated that he felt six months <br />was more than adequate to handle it. <br />Attorney Meyers also advised that once the wetlands <br />have been redefined on the parcels, they would have <br />to look at the plans as submitted by the developer <br />to see if they will fit within the redefined wetland. <br />He stated that the Council had extended consideration <br />of the preliminary plat on April. 11, and the Council <br />should now respond to the developers request and <br />extend the time limit for approval of the preliminary <br />plat <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Linke to extend consideration <br />of the preliminary plat for the Miller Industrial Plat <br />for six months, until January 4, 1984, and to refer <br />the matter to Staff for their reports on the proposals for: <br />a reclassification of the wetlands and the ability of the <br />preliminary plat to conform to the wetlands designa- <br />tion, if amended, plus other criteria that must be <br />followed with the wetlands ordinance, within 60 days. <br />Also, prior to the expiration of the 60 day time frame, <br />Staff will submit to the Council for their approval, <br />a checklist to weigh the requirements of the ordinance <br />against the proposal, such as whether the proposal <br />complies with the ordinance and reasons why it does <br />not comply. Conceptual approval of amendments of the <br />wetlands alteration permit and drainage issues and <br />amendments, if any, to the wetlands alteration permit <br />to be considered target date is 15 days after receipt of <br />10. Consideration <br />of E]tt.ension <br />for Filing of <br />Final Plat for <br />Miller Ind. <br />Park <br />