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Mounds View City Council August 22, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley presented the Council <br />with copies of correspondence received from the <br />City of Fridley regarding cable tv legislation, <br />and recommended Mounds View adopt the same type <br />of resolution. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Linke to adopt Resolution <br />No. 1647, opposing Senate File 66 and urging <br />defeat of any companion proposal in the House of <br />Representatives, and waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley noted that the City of <br />Mounds View has already adopted several resolu- <br />tions on this issue. He stated he would be <br />present to represent the City at the meeting of <br />the Waste Management Board, and will make a <br />statement if given the opportunity. He added he <br />will have certified copies of the City's previous <br />resolutions to hand out. <br />Director Johnson reported he had appeared before <br />the Unencumbered Construction Funds Subcommittee <br />on August 17 to explain why Mounds View had not <br />spent it's MSA construction money. He explained <br />that if the City does not use any of the money, <br />the 1984 MSA account will be reduced approximately <br />$25,000, and if nothing is done in 1985, the fund <br />will be reduced at least $50,000. He explained <br />that in order to prevent any reduction, a project <br />of at least $60,000 needs :o be awarded in 1983, <br />which could be achieved by resurfacing song of <br />the streets in the City. <br />Director Johnson stated he has inspected the streets <br />in question and determined that they are resurfacable, <br />but that the engineer from the central office does <br />not agree, and feels the streets should be torn up <br />and rebuilt. Director Johnson asked for authoriza- <br />tion from the Council to obtain an expert opinion. <br />with the cost to be approximately $2,000, to be <br />funded from the revenue sharing account for street <br />maintenance study. He added he hopes to have a <br />proposal ready for the Council by their September <br />9 meeting. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Hankner to authorize the <br />Director of Public Works /Community Development <br />the use of $2,000, with the approval of the <br />Clerk /Administrator, to obtain an outside <br />consultant's opinion on the viability of an MSA <br />project for 1983, with the money to be repaid from <br />MSA if the project is approved. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />12. Consideration <br />of Staff Memo <br />Regarding <br />Federal Cable <br />TV Legislation <br />Motion Carried <br />13. Consideration <br />of Staff Memo <br />Regarding <br />Fridley Hazar- <br />dous Waste Site <br />14. Report on Meet- <br />ing Regarding <br />MSA Unencumbered <br />Construction <br />Funds <br />Motion Carried <br />