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Mounds View City CounuLl September 26, <br />p age F our <br />Regular Meeting <br />Finance Director Brager explained that residential <br />property assessments have decreased, and consequently, <br />business property assessments have increased. He <br />also explained the proposed 19 percent increase in <br />the budget. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he would recommend the Council <br />go through the budget again, and consider using <br />left over revenue sharing funds from 1983 to reduce <br />the 1984 budget. <br />There was considerable discussion among the Council <br />of expenditure habits and how many more cuts could <br />be made, as well as what level of service is desired <br />from the residents, and what cuts they would like to <br />see made. <br />Councilmember Hankner reminded the Council that all <br />five members had stated they were in agreement with <br />the proposed budget at their last meeting last week, <br />and no one had any problems with it then. She added <br />that she has been over it with a fine tooth comb and <br />does not know where any more money could be cut. She <br />reviewed the amount of time spent on preparing the <br />budget by both the Council and Staff, and again asked <br />the residents what level of service they would like. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he had looked into the budget <br />further since the Council last met, and he feels <br />the Council should take another look. <br />Bob Beutel stated he would like firm figures to <br />comment on. Mayor McCarty explained the public <br />hearing process and that it was an opportunity <br />for Mr. Beutel to comment. <br />Mayor McCarty asked Mr. Beutei if he was <br />recommending the Council adopt the <br />September 26th budget proposal. <br />Mr. Beutel stated he could only place his trust <br />in Staff and the Council that they had done the best <br />job possible. He stated he did not feel any further <br />cuts could be safely made, and pointed out that <br />the more that is cut from the budget, the more the <br />City penalizes itself on State aid. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained what had happened <br />recently in the State Legislature, with the cities <br />of St. Paul and Minneapolis going after money from <br />the suburbs, and explained the formula that is used. <br />She also asked if the budget is cut, if another pub- <br />lic hearing would he required. <br />Attorney Meyers replied that he would recommend the <br />Council continue the hearing, and reminded them <br />that October 10 is the deadline the State has set. <br />