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Mounds View City Cuuncil <br />Regular Meeting <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she thought the Coun- <br />cil had come to a consensus last week that the budget <br />was the best possible one they could come up with, <br />and that she was very frustrated. She added that <br />the Council must know where services could be cut <br />before they go through the budget again. She also <br />pointed out that the City 'is trying to build up <br />a contingency fund for unforseen problems. <br />Mr. Loeding stated that he was pleased to hear the <br />frustrations voiced during the hearing, and that <br />this was not just a rubber stamp on a canned budget. <br />Councilmember Hankner pointed out to Mr.. Loeding <br />that this was not a rubber stamped budget, and that <br />the Council had worked long and hard on it, and <br />had 12 meetings, all of which were open to the <br />public, at which they worked on the budget. <br />Mr. Loeding stated that the large increase in the <br />proposed budget is in capital equipment, not in <br />public services. <br />Mr. Beutel stated that there was excrutiating detail <br />provided on the capital equipment and that the <br />citizens at some must give the Council their <br />support in the decisions the Council has made. He <br />added he would like a budget that would maintain <br />the same level of services as provided in 1983. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 9:25 PM. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to continue the consi- <br />deration of the 1984 City budget until Monday, <br />October 3 at 7 PM. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />It was decided the Council would meet on September <br />29, after their meeting with the Planning Commission, <br />to work on the budget further. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to pass Resolution <br />No. 1663, levying a tax for delinquent utility <br />charges over a one year period, and waive the <br />reading of the resolution. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />September 26 <br />Page Five <br />Motion Carried <br />7. Consideration of <br />Rslt. No. 1663 <br />Motion Carried <br />