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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Park Director Anderson reported 12 JETA people <br />were used during the summer, which represented <br />approximately $17,000 in value, and they were <br />close to indispensible. <br />He handed out a booklet to the Council on the <br />Forestry program and how it works. He reported <br />1500 trees were planted over the summer, and <br />the City is making very good progress in the <br />tree planting program. <br />Park Director Anderson passed out copies of the <br />newsletter that just went to press, and stated <br />they hope to have it out within the next week. <br />He added that Staff will be reviewing the delivery <br />situation thoroughly in the near future, and recommended <br />the November /December issue be delivered by <br />the Boy Scouts. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the playground equip- <br />ment from Red Oak School will be relocated in the <br />Fall when the other equipment is installed in the <br />City parks. <br />Finance Director Brager reported that Acting <br />Police Chief Smith had stated he would be unable <br />to attend the meeting as he was not feeling well, <br />and would be present at the October 24 meeting <br />to give his report. <br />Director Johnson updated the Council on applications <br />received, permits given and inspections done during <br />the third quarter. He reported the modifications <br />of Treatment Plants 2 and 3 had been completed, and <br />reviewed the readings being received. He reported <br />4 hydrants had been repaired, and all water mains <br />flushed, and one water main had broken. <br />Director Johnson reported 23,000 lineal feet of sewer <br />had been cleaned so far during the year, as well as <br />the street repair and seal coating had been completed. <br />He reported there had been some vandalism problems <br />with street signs, and traffic counts had been com- <br />pleted in certain areas. <br />Director Johnson presented the Council with a summary <br />of hours spent to date, with 562 hours being spent in <br />the third quarter, which averaged 40.2 hours per week, <br />but stated he is on target as far as his total contract. <br />He stated he anticipates the fourth quarter to be very <br />busy and reviewed plans of what work is to be done. <br />October 10, 1983 <br />Page Seven <br />Attorney Meyers reported no progress has been made 15. Report of <br />on the Long Lake ditch project and recommended the Attorney <br />