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Mounds View City Council January 9, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mr. Qualic asked if the zoning is changed, if the <br />property would become commercial. <br />Mayor McCarty explained that due to the description <br />in the Comp Plan and the ordinance, it would have to <br />be low density residential use for R -2, &nd the only <br />business other than a home occupation that is allowed <br />is a child care center, and that anything else would <br />require further rezoning. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained there are a number <br />of State and Municipal laws that must be complied with, <br />and that some remodeling of the building must occur. <br />Mr. Diffley explained the remodeling would be more <br />interior than exterior, with extensive interior <br />remodeling required, and a ramp would have to be <br />installed outside, along with a fence being put up. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:51 PM. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to have the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 353 amending the Municipal <br />Code of MoundsView by amending Chapter 41 entitled <br />"Specific Rezonings and waive the reading of the <br />ordinance. <br />5 ayes <br />5 ayes <br />8. 1st Reading of <br />Ordinance No. 353 <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers presented a proposed take over 9. Report of <br />agreement from the bonding company regarding the Attorney <br />Long Lake Road ditch project. He explained Willard <br />Davis has been chosen to complete the project, and <br />that he was one of the original subcontractors for <br />the project. He added that he and Engineering Consultant <br />Boxrud feel confident the project will be completed. <br />He also explained that an additional $200 has been <br />requested due to a larger area being seeded, <br />with $5,980.87 being the balance of the contract, <br />and $4,038.78 being the cost to re -let the project, <br />which is being assumed by the bonding company. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that Willard <br />Davis had been doing an acceptable job earlier, <br />and the City is comfortable with using him now. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to authorize Staff to <br />complete the take over agreement for the Long Lake <br />Road ditch project, and reject the bids the City <br />received on January 5, 1984 for the project. <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />