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Mounds View City Council February 27, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />There were no residents requests or comments from <br />the floor. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Doty to approve the consent <br />agenda as presented, and waive the reading of the <br />resolutions. <br />3 ayes <br />Councilmember Doty reported the Park and Rec <br />Commission will be meeting March 1 at 6:30 PM. <br />Councilmember Doty inquired as to the status of <br />the Long Lake Road ditch project. Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley replied there is very little <br />left to be done, and they must see if the seed <br />takes hold. <br />Councilmember Linke had no report. <br />Mayor McCarty asked the status of the inquiry <br />into the racetrack /airport issue. <br />7. Residents Re- <br />quests and <br />Comments from <br />the Floor <br />8. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Rushton reported City Attorney Meyers 9. Report of <br />would be back in town for the next Council meeting. Attorney <br />She also reported she had received a letter from <br />Paul Ratelle, the attorney for Greg Johnson, <br />responding to the City's correspondence, and <br />rejecting the suggestions of the City, and <br />requesting continuation of the business out of <br />his home until April 1, 1986. She added that <br />Mr. Johnson also feels he is currently in com- <br />pliance with the code with his home occupation, <br />but if the Council will advise him of areas of <br />non compliance, he will attempt to address them. <br />Attorney Rushton reported that Mr. Ratelle is <br />asking for a two week response to his letter <br />dated February 17, and has advised that if he <br />has not heard from the City within that time <br />frame, his client may file a counterclaim. <br />It was the feeling of the Council that another <br />two years was too long for, the business to <br />stay in operation. They also agreed that Mr. <br />Johnson is not in compliance with the home <br />occupation ordinance. It was decided to <br />discuss the matter further at the next agenda <br />session. The Council directed Attorney Rushton <br />to advise Mr. Ratelle that the Council needs <br />more time to respond. <br />10. Reports of <br />Councilmembers <br />