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Mounds View City Council March 12, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Representative Daniel Knuth gave a brief presentation 7. Discussion of <br />of the status of the airport issue, and discussed Anoka County- <br />the possible reinstatement of local government ,ids, Blaine Airport <br />which would impact Mounds View by $9,000. He added Improvements <br />that the chairs in both the House and Senate tax <br />committees have developed commissions to look into <br />local government aids, with hearings to be held <br />sometime during the legislative session. He urged <br />the Council to become involved in the process, and <br />added he would be glad to help in any way possible. <br />Representative Knuth discussed the situation of <br />unemployment compensation for volunteer firemen, <br />and explained he would be introducing a bill in the <br />House to exempt local fire departments front having <br />to pay this. He added that Dori Frank would be <br />carrying it in the Senate. <br />Councilmember Linke pointed out that people are <br />penalized for getting a job before the first four <br />week period of unemployment, and asked if that <br />could be looked into. <br />e_presentative Knuth replied that was just one of <br />ie many problems, and there is a committee discussing <br />it, along with other issues, such as seasonal employ- <br />ment. <br />Mayor McCarty pointed out sections of Chapter 8 of the <br />airport plan which state the runway would be moved 2600' <br />to the north, but then in the February 9, 1984 letter <br />from MAC to Representative i:nuth, it is stated <br />as being moved 900' to the north. He stated this <br />would have to be discussed with MAC for clarification. <br />He also presented copies of two newspaper articles <br />regarding the airport, and stated it is time for the <br />City to take action now. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to authorize the City <br />Attorney to proceed with prosecution of the pending <br />lawsuit against the Metropolitan Council and <br />initiate a lawsuit against MAC rer,arding the Anoka <br />County Airport. <br />3 ayes 2 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilmemhers Linke and I- iankner: voted against the <br />motion. <br />sere was considerable discussion among all present. <br />,Dfore the vote was taken on the previous motion. <br />