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Mounds View City Council March 12, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Mayor McCarty stated his reasons for the iiwsuit <br />as being: <br />1. We intend to pursue the legal question as to <br />the control the Metropolitan Development Guide <br />has over the types of facilities that can be <br />installed in various classes of airports. <br />2. We question whether there is a basic need for the <br />upgrading of the Anoka County Airport. <br />3. We intend to determine and pursue whether there <br />are environmental questions to resolve. <br />4. We intend to determine whether the City, by <br />virtue of property ownership, and /or residents <br />will sustain compensable damages as a result <br />of the airport upgrading. <br />Mayor McCarty asked Attorney Meyers for his <br />recommendation regarding petitioning the Court <br />for a temporary injunction, as well as determining <br />whether the City could bring in an outside con <br />iltant to verify findings. <br />`attorney Meyers clarified there is a lawsuit now on <br />one issue against the Met Council, and the City has <br />prepared an outline to address certain issues in view <br />of the Master Plan that has been adopted by both the <br />Met Council and MAC. The strategy would be to add <br />MAC as an additional defendent in the lawsuit, to <br />bring in the issue of the reliability and accuracy <br />of the plan. In order to proceed, the City would <br />have to get outside consultants to review the plan <br />and testify, and the City would have to be able to <br />produce evidence to attack the plan. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to amend the previous <br />motion to have Attorney Meyers coordinate the legal <br />involvement of the consultant employed by the City. <br />3 ayes <br />2 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilmembers Linke and Hankner voted against the <br />motion. <br />Councilmember Hankner reminded the Council that they <br />had earlier agreed to go ahead and seek consultant <br />For the study, then look at the cost and determine <br />Fther it would be feasible to proceed. She also <br />',minded them the Legislature is in session right now, <br />and to surface the issue now could reactivate the <br />whole issue. There is a task foL:e from the Met <br />