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Mounds View City Council March 12, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />auncil right now that is studying the need for an <br />intermediate airport, and they could call for an <br />environmental assessment. Councilmember Hankner <br />stated she feels the Council is moving too fast. <br />Councilmember Doty stated he felt this legislation <br />has been grossly ignored by the Met Council and MAC <br />and the City should proceed. He suggested having <br />Attorney Meyers activate the MAC into the suit, <br />and getting a court opinion if they will accept a <br />consultant's study as evidence. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that a preliminary motion <br />may be made to have the case dismissed. <br />Mayor McCarty reported the City has received one <br />response from the letters sent out, indicating <br />this consultant was interested in doing the study, <br />at a cost of $20- 30,000, and requiring 90 days to <br />complete. <br />Councilmember Hankner pointed out she does not feel <br />the City has a consultant until the Council has <br />reviewed them and discussed it, and the action the <br />council had taken earlier was to authorize Staff to <br />out and obtain bids, then have the Council <br />uetermine a course of action. She cautioned against <br />spending the taxpayers money so quickly without first <br />thinking things through. <br />Councilmember Linke asked if it was necessary to have <br />a preliminary study in hand before going into court. <br />Attorney Meyers replied that it would be helpful, as <br />if there is an early move to have the case dismissed, <br />he would need the back -up evidence. He added that in <br />seeking a consultant, the City has used all the names <br />available and gotten a very poor response, but Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley is contacting them again, trying <br />to get more to respond. <br />Representative Knuth stated he shared concern about <br />entering into a lawsuit over what would happen with <br />the Minneapolis delegation in regard to this issue. <br />He added he feels the threat is there to upgrade to <br />an intermediate airport, and the Council should be <br />very careful, as their motion was very all- encompassing, <br />and would be better broken down, as there are at least <br />three different opportunities the City could move for- <br />ward on. He advised looking at any actions taken during <br />*he legislative session that could trigger a very active <br />sponse from the Minneapolis delegation, as the <br />2Goonse would have to be met by the local membership <br />the House and Senate. He advised assessing very <br />carefully the response the Minneapolis delegation might h. 7e. <br />