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Mounds View City Council April 23, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Councilmember Linke stated the idea of the Festival in <br />the Park was not to present issues of any kind, which is <br />why the bylaw was written, and it is a day for the <br />citizens to come out and enjoy the parks and themselves. <br />He added that any fundraising activities must go to the <br />Commission first, and he noted that anyone that does have <br />a booth at the Festival cannot identify themselves or hand <br />out literature or express their philosophy. He recommended <br />waiting for Attorney Meyers opinion before discussing the <br />issue further. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner Linke to call for the question. <br />3 ayes 2 nays <br />Councilmember Doty and Mayor McCarty voted against the <br />motion, and it failed for lack of a 4/5 vote. <br />Mayor McCarty stated the Festival in the Park is meant <br />to be a family day, with the intent to stay away from <br />politics and passing out literature and so forth, but <br />it has become political, with people wearing political identifying buttons <br />and discussions that have gone on, and so forth, and <br />he stated he could not advocate turning around in mid- <br />stream and denying this request. He added that he <br />does believe parental guidance is required. <br />Ms. Kluck stated she would personally guarantee that <br />no minor would see the exhibit without having their <br />parent present. <br />Councilmember Linke pointed out that political discussions <br />that may occur go on between adults, not children. He <br />alr-o pointed out they have upheld the rule that no booths <br />of this type be allowed in the past, and to allow this <br />would tr_ily be turning around mid stream. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated children are not capable of <br />understanding the issue of abortion, and there was no <br />guarantee that children in the area would not see some- <br />thing, or overhear something, or pick up some discarded <br />literature. <br />Ms. Kluck stated that anyone who is old enough to make <br />babies is old enough to t iderstand the abortion issue. <br />She added that it is a social issue, at a social event. <br />Brian Mackimerri, 5086 Brighton Lane, stated he did not <br />feel it should be called a political issue. <br />Mr. Beutell pointed out that if the Festival is opened <br />ip to something like this, they would have to open it <br />ip to all politicai quesLiocis and opposing issues. He <br />stated he would not want his children exposed to some- <br />thing like this. <br />Motion Failed <br />