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Mounds View City Council April 23, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />ouncilmember Hankner explained the request had been <br />iscussed by the Council at their last agenda session, <br />and they had discussed it with the Chairman of the <br />Festivities Commission, and the bylaws do not allow <br />any political organization to set up a display at the <br />Festival, of which this would be one. She added that <br />it was the concensus of the Council to have the City <br />Attorney address the question and give an opinion. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /McCarty to approve the request. <br />2 ayes 3 nays <br />Councilmembers Linke, Blanchard and Hankner voted against <br />the motion. <br />Considerable discussion occurred before the vote was taken <br />on the previous motion. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she understood from the <br />Council's discussion at the last agenda session, that the <br />item would appear on the May 7 agenda, by which time <br />Attorney Meyers would have prepared his opinion. She <br />added that it was quite late in the season to be making <br />a request of this nature, which would require the bylaws <br />to be changed, and perhaps the people interested could <br />'oliow the proper procedures to have their display at <br />the following years Festival. <br />Joan Sundwell, 6942 Pleasantview, stated she felt this <br />was a very emotional issue, and not a good idea for a <br />family type gathering, as the other side would request <br />equal time, and the Festival in the Park is not the <br />proper place for this. <br />Robert Beutell, 2555 Ridge Lane, stated that the Festival <br />in the Park is traditionally a family type of entertain- <br />ment, and the politically active people have restrained <br />themselves in not abusing this event. <br />Marcy Pajak, 8415 Fairchild, stated that while the bylaws <br />say no political activities, there have been some in the <br />past. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained the bylaws allow fund- <br />raising, but the political parties cannot solicite <br />information or try to get people in to discuss their <br />issues. She pointed out again that just last week the <br />Council agreed to wait for Attorney Meyers opinion before <br />taking any action. She also stated that, being the mother <br />of a teenage daughter, as well as younger children, she <br />ould not want her children exposed to a display of that <br />ature, without her being right there to explain to them <br />its relationship to their personal philosophies. She <br />also stated that she was not speaking out against the <br />Lifemobile itself, buL rather the disregard of the bylaws. <br />Motion Failed <br />