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Mounds View City Council May 14, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />the Council could change the requirements. He stated <br />that if the Church could provide 30,000 sq. ft. of <br />parking, the special use permit would not apply. <br />Councilmember Doty stated he was concerned that the <br />property was not in use, and questioned how many <br />single family homes could be developed there. <br />Chairman Mountin replied that there would be room <br />for two homes, but stated it was not a feasible <br />site for R -1 homes, but recommended it remain Church <br />property, and it should remain with the actual site. <br />She also pointed out that for the Church to consider <br />the additional property they had purchased as a park- <br />ing area, it would have to be improved and surfaced <br />and so forth. <br />Mr. Kampel pointed out the 30,000 sq. ft. parking <br />requirement was based on the requirements when the <br />Special Use Permit was adopted. <br />Mayor McCarty questioned whether the City could tie <br />non continuing pieces of property to the zoning, <br />and whether the City has control over any future <br />uses. He stated that by rezoning it to R -1, the City <br />may be making it into something that could never be <br />developed. <br />Councilmember Linke stated the idea of the triangle <br />was to augment the parking for the existing building, <br />and that what the present owners might want to do <br />should have no bearing on the process being considered <br />now. He recommended Kinder Care come in, stating that <br />they would like to develop, and that they would be <br />willing to augment the Sunday parking. He added that <br />they should not hold up the rezoning process tonight. <br />Reverend Matthews stated that Kinder Care has given <br />the Church a written bid for the property, which the <br />Church has verbally accepted, and there are a few <br />minor contingencies to cheek into before an agreement <br />would be signed. He added the Church was not aware <br />the property was being considered for rezoning, but <br />they are willing to follow the proper procedures. <br />He stated he anticipates that if the property is re- <br />zoned to -1, they would lose the sale. <br />Mayor McCarty suggested having the first reading of <br />the ordinance, which would allow approximately 44 days <br />before it would go into effect, which would give the <br />Church time to take action. <br />Attorney Meyers recommended that if Kinder Care would <br />like to develop, they should apply for a building <br />permit while the property is still R -3. He also <br />recommended having Staff look at the Church property <br />